If you haven't heard of Vinted, where the hell have you been? If you like me are obsessed with shopping second hand, Vinted is without a doubt your not so secret weapon to looking good for less.
I have been buying and selling on Vinted since 2021 and it's fair to say when I first started, I can't say I knew what I was doing. In fact my biggest regret was selling a pair of discontinued Doc Martins for £15 only to find out they actually resell for over £100 despite the condition they were in.
Yeah, a definite rookie error!
I have however, picked up a lot of tips and tricks to both buying and selling items on the app but for the purpose of this blog, we're just going to focus on selling.
Let's get straight into it!
Here are my top tips to selling on the app.
1.Find a spot with great natural lighting.
Ideally, taking pictures of items in the day will always help to sell your items quicker. It also helps buyers to see the quality of the product better.
2.Take consistent product images.
This may or may not be obvious, but taking consistent product images helps to do a few things. If you are a new account, having consistent product images will help to prove you are not a scammer. It will also help with building up your Vinted and make you stand out more against other sellers.
3. List on a Sunday.
Take advantage of selling on the weekends and evenings. Sunday is typically the most active day on Vinted because most people are not working. It is also the best day to buy products because people want items gone.
4. Group items by category.
If you have a few similar items, try and list them consecutively throughout the day. This will help to push the item visibility to the top of the algorithm.
Top tip: The best way to save time on this is to draft your listings with all of the product information on the weekend when you have time, include any flaws and then post the listing later on.
5. Use key words and describe your items with long-tail keywords.
The best way to explain this tip is to describe your item with very clear descriptive words, as if you were looking for that item yourself. This will help to bring up your item to the most relevant product searches.